Concession Stand Managers Needed

Becoming a Concession Stand Manager for a season is a great way to support our teams and concessions raises the majority of the funds we use to cover Athletic Dept expenses.
It is also an easy, fun way to make the games we play at home have that full experience of high school athletics.
Without Stand Managers, we cannot have Concessions for a team's home games!
District Athletic Fees covered by the Boosters for one child/season
All Home Game Season Pass for one season
Earn Booster Bucks towards other season athletic fees
Open/Close the Concession Stand for a Single Sport
Contact Vince Frantz at with any question or if you are interested!
What's a Stand Manager do?
Arrive 60-40 minutes before doors open and open the stand and prepare for other parent volunteers to come help serve food and take sales.
Ensure that the starting cash bank is correct and, at the end of the game, count the cash and sales and complete the Sales Report after each game.
Direct volunteers in clean up and closing procedures so the stand is basically ready for the next game.
Secure the cash deposit from each game in the safe in your Concession Stand so that the Treasurer can collect it.
Do I have to work the entire game?
Stand Managers can open and close the stand and generally come and go to check on the stand. But since you will know all about our processes, you will need to be attentive to the volunteers and the questions that come up.
Do we have to count Inventory?
Not anymore - in the past, inventory sheets needed to be completed and reconciled each game. Now we use a iPad point-of-sale system that tracks the each sale and every item we sell. You will ensure that all sales are run through the iPad and communicate to the Concessions Purchasers when things get low or run out.
Who else works with in the Stand?
Booster Stand volunteers are organized by each team's Team Parents for the games they are assigned. Usually these are from the parents of the teams playing in your stand but any parent can volunteer for any other game. They can work some or all of the game.
What kind of Reports do I need to do?
There is a volunteer sign-in sheet that you will need to email in so that we can log the volunteers who helped. Sales are recorded on the Sales Report sheet you will complete after you count the cash. This form is very simple and helps confirm the cash you have counted before we deposit it.
View the Sample Sales Report Form
View the Sample Volunteer Sign In Sheet
What about Training?
You will be trained by other Stand Managers or Booster Directors prior to starting and we will work with you the first couple games as needed.

We use the Square Register point of sale system so we can track sales, take credit cards and save time opening and closing since inventory is tracked digitally.
Each Stand has one or multiple iPad Square Registers.
Contact Vince Frantz at with any question or if you are interested!