Lakewood Athletic Boosters Scholarship
Application window for 2023-2024 has closed. Good luck to all our applicants!
The Athletic Boosters awards up to 4 scholarships of $1000 each to qualifying LHS seniors for the 2023-2024 school year.
All application forms can be submitted through email or USPS. Either way they must be received or postmarked by midnight EXTENDED - May 14th, 2024 (was May 1st, 2024). Any late, illegible, or incomplete applications will not be considered.
Eligibility requirements:
Applicants must be a graduating Senior of Lakewood High School who has enrolled in a college or vocational program for the fall term and has participated in an athletic program, including athletes, statisticians, team managers, athletic trainers, etc.
A parent or guardian of the applicant must be a current member in good standing of the Lakewood Athletic Boosters and have completed at least 15 volunteer hours with the Boosters by April 1, 2024.
Contact membership@golakewood.org for questions about membership status or booster bucks hours.
Participation in athletics and adherence to the Athletic Code of Conduct and Lakewood Student Code of Conduct will be formally verified.
Students who transferred into Lakewood High School after 9th grade may include athletic information from their previous school(s) but should clearly indicate the name, address, and phone number of the other school(s) on their application.
Applications must be legible. Essays must be typed.